Our Decision To Pursue Domestic Adoption

Dear Family and Friends,

We come before you in humility to share with you our desire to grow our family through adoption.  As many of you know, over the past 18 months we have experienced 5 first trimester miscarriages and the late loss of our precious Ryan Adeline when we delivered her into heaven two days before Christmas.  In this process, Ian and I have come to the decision that our greatest priority is to grow our family.  As such, we have decided to pursue adoption.

Just a few days after returning home from delivering and saying good-bye to our precious little girl I sat quietly with the Lord in prayer.  I heard the word adoption very early in my grief, but in my pain was not able to truly process or accept that Ian and I may not be able to bring a new baby into our family on our own.  The pain I felt at that time was so immeasurable and consuming, but in it the Lord did provide incredible joy and peace.  Joy in my amazing husband and joy in my two precious little girls.  Joy in the Lord and His glorious presence and in His ability to provide comfort in each and every day.  Since the loss of Ryan, our desire to grow our family has only increased in passion.  There is something about holding the lifeless body of your baby that brings you to an increased awareness of the joy of family and life.  Ian and I thank God for that gift.  We simply cannot end on a death… our family must be completed by life.

We thank God every day for the honor of the gift of the family that we have… Ian and I for one another and of course for our Emerson and Addison.  We thank Him for the joy and love that radiates throughout our home everyday… even on the days that I am being emotional and snippy.  🙂

Dear Family and Friends, we ask you to support us in our journey to adopt our next baby in a number of ways.  First and most importantly, we ask for your prayers and encouragement.  The outpouring of love and support in the aftermath of our loss of Ryan was so overwhelming.  We were blown away by the prayers, hospital visits, phone calls, texts, cards, meals, flowers, food arrangements and deliveries.  The love of you all was one of the primary ways that God revealed His support to us.  YOU ALL were our encouragement!  Thank you!  Thank you!!  We are so grateful for every one of you!

In our research of the adoption process, we are finding that obviously, the financial aspect of adoption is very daunting.  A mountain that we do not look forward to climbing, but know that in the end, the Lord will provide for.  The financial costs can climb to $25,000-$35,000 for the typical agency adoption and could quite very well reach those levels for a private adoption as well.  We are asking that if you feel led, would you please consider supporting us in our adoption process by sponsoring a piece of our Adoption Puzzle?  We have purchased a 1000 piece puzzle that we are calling our Adoption Puzzle.  With each piece that is sponsored, we will write the name of the sponsor of that piece… in the end we will have a framed Adoption Puzzle filled with the names of all the people and families who have sponsored us through this process.  We plan to hang the completed puzzle in our new little one’s room upon finalization of the adoption.

If you feel led to support us in our journey, you can contribute your donation (any and all amounts are so appreciated) via:

PayPal-  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=EV8Q8QBF53CXL&lc=US&item_name=Leiviska%20Family%20Adoption%20Fund&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted

Please know that we do not take the solicitation of financial support lightly and obviously will be diligent and respectful in the use of every dollar that is sent to us for this cause.  We are so grateful for your love, support, and prayers during this time.  We also ask that you would spread the word of our desire to adopt an infant domestically to any one who will listen.  You never know who may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and looking for a loving home for their baby.  We hope to be the answer to someone’s prayer for the future of their baby.

We are so grateful for your prayers for wisdom and protection during this process.  We are grateful for you!

Thank you so much for your consideration and support.  Our plan is to send weekly photos of our puzzle so that you can see the progress toward our fundraising goal.  Keep your eye out!  We are so excited to begin our journey to bring a new member into our family!!  We are so thankful to have you lifting us up in prayer and support as we embark on this journey.  🙂

In His Grace,

Ian and Lindsay Leiviska

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